Join our team of volunteers and help us mitigate climate change and fight against climate injustice one step at a time
Screen Printing Intern - no experience needed
All our branded materials are screen printed in house, so we are looking for interns who would like to
- Learn screen printing skills
- Learn and become involved in a program that will educate the community about the importance of replacing single use plastics and reusing textiles
- Become involved in a program that will help women in need in other areas of Miami.
- Be part of a program that will make your community an example to other communities
- Receive student community hours.
Donate second hand fabric and sewing machines
Please donate 100% Cotton if possible, jeans, table cloths, curtains, duvet covers and sewing machines. Drop off Saturday’s from 9am – 2pm at AZWC Farmers Market Tent at the Key Biscayne Farmers Market, 355 Glenridge Road. If you would like to organize a Fabric Donation Drive at your school or organization please let us know.
Volunteer at AZWC Green Market Information Booth
Every Saturday AZWC hosts an information booth at the Farmers Market at the Community Church on Key Biscayne. As soon as the market reopens, we will be there to share our sustainable living program details and our insights and step by step ways for you to reduce your carbon footprint. Also available for purchase by donation are landmark reusable totes, sustainable face masks, hand sanitizer, recipes, free lemonade if you bring a reusable cup and our good humor.
- Share with KB Neighborhood our programs and their benefits for the community.
- Providing Zero Waste products to neighbors and educating on their benefits for themselves and our planet.
- Be part of the greater Miami Dade Green Community.
- See each Saturday how our community is making sustainable changes and be part of the movement
- Student community hours.
Volunteer for Community Compost
We are working with the Village of Key Biscayne and back2Earth to create our first Community Compost.
Learn about composting, vegetable garden, pesticides, food waste, organic soil.
- Work at a compost station. Get your hands dirty. Enjoy the magic turning food waste into nutrient rich soil.
- Learning organizational and entrepreneurial skills
- Be part of a program that will make Key Biscayne an example to other communities
- Help other communities reduce food waste and reduce our carbon footprint.
- Be part of a program that will be fighting to eliminate fertilizers and reducing chemical contamination in our soil.
- Build community
- Student community hours
Social Media Coordinator/Student Internship
Are you passionate about the environment and living a zero waste life to ensure our futures on this beautiful earth? Are you great at social media, research, photography, videography, blogging and updating websites?
Be an active part of the expanding our voice and our mission
- Help sharing our zero waste products on social media
- Photographer and videographer for blog and social media
- Writer for our blog and social media
- Be an active part of the sustainable growth of our community
- Help us promote our zero waste products and events
- Student community hours
- Student Internship Opportunity
Event planner for Educational Initiatives
Sustainable educational outreach is the backbone of A Zero Waste Culture. Help us plan and organize multiple site visits to waste and water treatment facilities for members of our community to learn about waste in our community.
Teaching youth is the key to the future of our environment, please help us organize visits from AZWC to schools, universities, corporations and local governments.
- Learn organizational skills
- Meet people from other communities.
- Help organize tours that will benefit a whole community of people
- Visit WM Recycling Facility
- Visit Coventa Waste to Energy Facility
- Beach Cleanups with other nonprofits
- Introduction to other NPO in the Climate Change world
- Student community hours.
- Meet the experts on climate change
- Networking
- Student community hours
- Student Internship Opportunity
Accounting Management
As brilliant and motivated as we are to save the world, we know we need your bookkeeping expertise. If you, like us, are willing to work for a good cause, and can add long columns, create budgets, and delineate long range business plans, please join our team.
Join Our Team
Interested in being a central part of a small, impactful 503(c)3 non-profit, vested in and respected in the community? Meet us, volunteer, get to know us and let’s see if we are what you are looking for, a group willing to dedicate real time and a great deal of energy to helping mitigate climate change, starting in our own neighborhoods. We are always on the lookout for neighbors with drive, dedication, more patience than we have and willing to work hard.